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Registration / File Submission


  • Download abstract template here.
  • Create an EZConf account here.
  • Follow the steps below to complete your registration and submit your file.
  • Submit your proof of payment to Google Form here.




Full Paper Guidelines

1. The full manuscript must be submitted using the AIP MS Word or LaTex2e templates. 

         AIP MS Word Template

         AIP LaTex2e Class

    Please follow the following AIP guidelines when preparing your paper:

         AIP Preparing Your Manuscript

2. Your manuscript must not exceed 8 pages (including references). 

3. The Turnitin similarity index of the manuscript must be less than 20%.

4. Manuscripts should consist of original work that has not been published and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere concurrently.

5. All submissions will be subjected to single blind peer-review.

6. Accepted papers must be presented during the conference to be considered for inclusion in the conference proceedings or for selection for publication in one of the aforementioned journals.

7. Should your manuscript be selected and deemed suitable for consideration for publication in one of the specified journals, you will be obliged to format it according to the journal's guidelines and meet the Turnitin similarity index requirement prior to resubmission. Subsequently, your manuscript will undergo additional review by the journal's editorial board. If your paper is accepted by the respective journal, it will be published therein without any additional charges. Further instructions regarding this process will be communicated to you at a later stage. The journals have reached an agreement with MathTech 2024 to facilitate a seamless completion of this supplementary review process.