MathTech22 Invited Speaker - Professor Dr Hirohide Haga
Professor Dr Hirohide Haga
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Doshisha University
Dr Hirohide Haga received his B.Eng. and M.Eng. in electronics from Doshisha University, and Ph.D. in computer science from Kyoto University in 1978, 1980, and 1995 respectively. He is now a professor of computer science and engineering at Faculty of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University. Before joining to Doshisha, he was a research staff engineer of Hitachi, Ltd., Japanese computer company. He was appointed as a Chartered IT professional (Chartered Engineer of Information Technology) from the British Computer Society. He was also appointed as an Academic Fellow of USM, School of Mathematical Science from 2021 to 2022. His research interests include the theory and practice of programming languages, multi-agent system and its application, secure database, and image processing.
Programming and Programming Languages Based on Mathematical Concepts
In this talk, non-popular programming style and languages are introduced. They are based on mathematical concepts. These programming languages provide “declarative programming style” which is a different programming style from that of conventional programming languages such as C and other popular languages. For example, declarative programming languages do not provide iteration description such as “for” loop and “while” loop. Instead, they provide recursive processing to realize iteration. Furthermore, as declarative programming style and languages have strong theoretical background, they are suitable for theoretical analysis of programs and programming such as program verification and proof of correctness. Basic concepts and some examples of two declarative programming languages are provided in this talk.