Virtual Presentation

Information for Virtual Presenters

To all virtual presenters,

Please be informed that the recommended minimum system requirements for Webex is Windows 10 or later and MacOS 10.15. or later.

Invitation email to register for Webex Webinar will be sent to your email address as in EZConf by 22 November 2024.

Following is the guideline for your reference and virtual background for your usage.

Guidelines for Virtual Presenters

MT24 Virtual Background For Webex

Testing for virtual presentation is available on 2nd December 2024, from 1000 – 1200 (GMT+8). During the testing session, you can share content and test your microphone. Please select your testing slot here. Slot reservation will be closed on 1st December 2024, at 1700 (GMT+8). Due to limited resources, each presenter will be allocated 5 minutes for the testing. 
